Giulia Pegoraro

PhD Student

Giulia completed a BSc in Bioinformatics at the University of Verona. She continued her studies there with an MSc in Molecular and Medical Biotechnology with Bioinformatics curriculum. During this time, she was granted an Erasmus studentship at Bielefeld University, where she worked on her thesis project about the identification of leaderless transcripts in prokaryotes. Subsequently. Giulia completed an internship in EMBL Rome, where she approached the analysis of epigenetic data. / / After graduation, she was employed for one year as a bioinformatician in a biotechnological Start-up in Milan, where she could deepen the use of statistical approaches in data analysi. Giulia is particularly interested in genetics, epigenetics and transcriptomics especially related to human pathologies. Her PhD is on Molecular characterisation of the role of systemic infections in Alzheimer’s disease brain.